Hello, our names are Mathias and Joan. We are a students of E.E.T Nº1 in Longchamps, Buenos Aires Argentna. Our grup is 2º 2ª. We are 16 years old. We are studying chemistry. Now we are in English class doing this blog. Our teacher is Stella. She is a good teacher and she thinks we can do a blog with the other group in our school (2º 1ª) and other group in other school.
Joan: Hi, I'm the "botón", Stella says. But I'm not a "botón". I only speak with other groups and my friends.
Mathias: Hi, I'm with Joan in the English's class. I'm writing in the blog, and laughing for Joan's writing. I want to say this group is the best! Good bye.
A poem as a present!
Hace 14 años
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